Educational, Prevention Groups

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The Prevention Specialist can lead a series of 2-4 educational prevention groups such as:

  • Anti-bullying
  • Anger Management
  • Stress Management
  • Organizational and Time Management Skills
  • Substance Abuse Education and Prevention
  • Mental Health: Suicide Prevention and Education (teachers and students)

One-time Presentations or Guest Speaker

The Prevention Specialist could conduct one-time education/prevention presentations (substance abuse, mental health) to Health classes, or be a “guest speaker” in career development classes.

Teacher and School Counselor Consultations

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The Prevention Specialist could have designated hours each week at your school (open office hours); attend discipline or IAT meetings for at-risk students. 

The Prevention Specialist can help the teachers and staff link to other services in the community. This is an exciting opportunity for the schools and the Greene County child serving agencies to work together to find the most appropriate resources for the student and family.


We can provide outreach to at-risk youth and families, as referred by teachers or school counselors, and linkage to the appropriate services as needed.

Special Interest Training for Teachers

Training on subjects of interest to teachers such as: anti-bullying, anti-violence (i.e., warning signs of troubled students that may have mental health problems) or how to link to resources in the community.